Awareness Through Movement

'If you have better quality of movement you have a better quality of life'

Would you like to improve your body awareness?
Awareness Through Movement or ATM is a method developed by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984), a physicist, engineer, martial artist, educator, and researcher.

In this method, the human body is the fundamental tool for carrying out deep evolutionary processes where the student will experience new possibilities of movement, undoing old patterns and creating new paths in their neuronal connections.

In classes, we use slow, conscious movements to achieve powerful effects in terms of strength, flexibility, and holistic integration of body and mind.

It is suitable for all ages. And for all that want to be more present and aware in your creative work or in life.

Who I am?
Juliana Appel is a theater teacher, actress, and Feldenkrais practitioner (ongoing - 3rd year). She was born in Brazil where she specialized in Art Education and worked for over 10 years in a creative studio with children and adults. She currently lives in Aarhus and works with Lusus Theater where she integrates the Feldenkrais Method and Viewpoint as a way to develop stage awareness and presence. Her most recent work is MOM-a one-woman show.

Wear warm and comfortable clothes.
In English.




Første mødegang
Tir 07.05.2024 16:45-17:40

Sidste mødegang
Tir 21.05.2024 16:45-17:40

Juliana Appel

Vester Allé 8
Vester Allé 8
8000 Aarhus C

VA8-207 (30) (84 kvm.)


225,- Almen
210,- Handicap
210,- Pensionister
210,- Efterlønner
210,- Studerende